Wayne Douglas, Manager Director, discusses new Labour government and policies

Wayne Douglas, City & Country Manager Director, discusses new Labour government and policies that can to help support the property market.

“The Labour Government now must start delivering on its promises and take responsibility for building homes. This country in the past has suffered from nimbyism when it’s proven that new development creates sustainable places and supports communities, whether that’s through job creation, improved connectivity, community investment to support economic growth whilst reenergising existing and new towns and cities.

What is immediately obvious is the urgent need for an evolution in the way planning is dealt with and it needs to happen quickly. The proposed housing plans to require councils to build on the ‘grey belt’ and utilise brownfield sites is a step in the right direction to unlocking housing delivery and hitting those housing targets this country so desperately needs. Now, Keir Starmer needs to turn Labour’s promises into policies and give the UK timescales on when this will be implemented not ‘if’.